Thursday, 2 February 2012

PvP + extra credits

One of the things I really like about his game, is the PvP. Most of the games I 've played in the past, I was fascinated with the economics (crafting & selling/trading) and the PvP. Although there is a belief that PvPers don't need too much currency, I come with the question: How are we going to buy the ultra expensive mounts in game?!
What I really found in my trip to reach valor rank 50, is that if you go to Ilum or any other 50 lvl area, spot a chest(I dont mean slicing chest, regular chests will do), you can loot it every 10 minutes! Yes it respawns every 10 minutes. Now, what are you going to earn from a kind of chest like that? 3k to 4k credits plus a green item which can be vendored for 1k. So you can easily get 5k credits without really do anything. I personally loot these boxes every 15 minutes, since the PvP queue is instant on my server and the games usually last less than 15 minutes with loading. 
But you may tell me, that not every ones PvPs. I personally found this trick during questing, gathering with biochem and killing hard 'solo' bosses. So there is a majority of people that can 'exploit' this trick. The PvP part, just offers a better rotation. In addition to PvP, when I have to afk, I leave my character to the chest location, alt-tab, do the house work, continue my work on my PC, and alt tab again to loot the chest and distribute my crew to crew skills. Nevertheless, its a pure earning procedure. Try it out and you wont be disappointed. 

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

What to do at level 50

Been there done that. I had the same dilemma as you. Although I am playing Empire and these are all the information I got for that faction, I believe there are similarities with the the Republic.

Daily Quests:

11 Quests on Belsavis: 

  • Ancient Transmissions
  • Deadly Mutations
  • Droid Malfunction
  • Found in Translation
  • Invisible Threat
  • The Carriers of Xenovirus Prime
  • Reluctant Volunteers
  • Unintended Consequences
  • Freeing the Fallen (HEROIC2+)
  • Old Enemies (HEROIC4)
  • Lights Out (HEROIC4)

6  Quests on Ilum:

  • A Tightened Grip
  • Defend the Shipment
  • Operation Shatterstorm
  • Sabotage
  • Rightfull Owner
  • Poisonous Strategy (HEROIC2+) 
The Heroic quests, offer you 3 daily commendations and item modification mods, in addition to the pile of credits.


First of all, head to Combat Training quarters in the Imperial Fleet and get your daily and weekly PvP quests from the Quest Ternimal. There are 2 kind of quests, Open World PvP and Warzone. The warzones are pretty simple. On the other hand on a low populated PVE server, there isn't so much fuzz on the Open PvP areas. The quests you will be needing to do, is to cap bases (example in Ilum) so you can complete the quest. But you wont be able to complete them, if no one from the other faction caps them again. One solution we found is to talk with the opposite faction players through /say chat and chain cap the points.

The warzones that when you queue you can randomly join in are:
Huttball, score the ball style with fires and traps all around.
The VoidStar, defend/attack the gates till you reach the terminal.
Alderann, cap the turrets and wait for the points to get to zero.

The quest rewards are bags with centurion commendations, item tokens and credits and once you reach level 60 rank on the pvp system, you will be able to chose from higher grade pvp items.


The only PvE you can do at the moment, are the Flashpoints either normal or hardmode ones.
Before you enter the Flashpoint, you have the option to accept the quest you need to have to enter it, in Hardmode or in simple Mode.

You can get your daily and weekly quests from the Quest Terminal located in the Supplies quarter on the Imperial Fleet.
The Flashpoints you can do and get a decent loot for raiding are:
  • The Black Talon
  • Boarding Party
  • The Foundry
  • Directive 7
  • The Battle of Ilum
  • The False Emperor
If you choose to do these FlashPoints, you will be able to collect from the bosses additional tokens that can be traded for PvE amour and mods.In addition, on Hardmode, you will receive additional tokens for better quality gear.


Lastly the beloved Datacrons that can be found all around the planets for a marvellous of +4 stat.

Crew Skills:

Its time for you to max out your Crew skill missions and get familiar with the GTN and what type of items yo u can craft and sell. Furthermore you will need some time till you discover all the prototypes you are willing to start using and better be prepared for some credit spending :)

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Game status just 2 weeks after release!

Ok guys, its been 10 days since I have last posted. That game is so good. It sucked me all the way in and kept me there. Although we have reached a  'plaeteau' at the time being. We are not so many lvl 50s in the guild, neither to tell u the truth into the server. So no hard mode flashpoints yet, but loads and loads of pvp. And gotta admit, pvp is a nice and fast way, to earn some decent gear, get experience if you haven't reached the cap, and have way more than enough for repairs. Finally the dailies, are worth doing and just waiting to see the battlezones come alive, since many people are focusing on gearing up/leveling up and boosting their crew skills. 

I am happy to announce though, that there are transactions through the Gallactic Trade Market and I am happy that people have the need to buy, although being still new to this game, your are always worried about  how much that item you are searching, worths for. Nevertheless, its a good thing that GTM is used from people and I am looking forward into some changes to the utility system of that auction tool. 

Lastly, I want to point out, something that I was concerned when I started this blog. A was waiting the game as you guys and I was concerned what class to pick, 10 levels later, what advanced class to follow, what crew skills to pick etc. And I have come to a conclusion. What exactly I earned? Too much frustration with not so much  information gains. I find my self googling some questions that pop out in my head about SWTOR and there is absolutely none information around the topic! Then I go my self and test it. And I wonder all these guides out there, what more have offered you? If you picked Slicing before the Nerf, you will be sitting in 5 million now! The point of the sites and blogs about games economy is the stand well on your feet in every season of the game.

Anyway! Have fun and play well till our next post. :)

Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Best crew skill so far.

Servers are down, so I forced my self to add one more entry to this blog. Today's post will be sort as hell, since there isn't so much to tell. I was having couple concerns for my crew skills even from yesterday and unfortunately, they got verified today after a bit of search(I needed like 13seconds to find my answer). I don't know how or how come SWTOR devs did that huge mistake, but is is possible to invest 4k credits in a professions, and in 20 mins have 300% profit? Just from the game mechanics?! Yes I am talking about Slicing. And yes, that should be your first crew skill to pick. Its like a bike. Once you learn it, you will never have to worry about that anymore. Unfortunately, I didn't believe when I first made my character, that would that kind of crew skill mechanics that will be so easy and beneficial, to the other pure crafting crew skills. I am just saying that I picked Bioanalysis and Biochem adding Diplomacy in the end, and i am forced to earn my hard made credits from Auction House system! And there are more to come, the AH houses only 50 items!!

The game is awesome, I like the lore-story-leveling etc, BUT come on! So fucked up crafting-Auctioning System?? I feel so betrayed.. :P Lets hope this beta that is on the progress fixes some stuff and makes an even better game.

So TIP of the Day!

  1. Create your Character
  2. Reach level 10
  3. Pick SLICING
  4. Profit

Saturday, 24 December 2011

Future of addons in SWTOR

For the past couple days I have been playing the game, I was having thoughts about how the game is, how the character performs after my commands, how the interface pannel is etc. I have noticed, that at least for now and its normal at the moment, you dont have to much maneuverability within the game. Well, its awesome that my adventure so far is a well built quest line and dont get me wrong, I really like it. But since I am posting my personal oppinion here, there are only a few "roads" to walk during your leveling legacy.

Another thing that kept buzzing into my the interface customization. Since I ve been playing various RPGs during the past years, being World of Warcraft one of them, I had the opportunity to heavily customise my own interface and make it the way I do. In SWTOR at the time being, we got issues. One being that its the start of the game, it hasnt even closed one week of the official release date and the other is that the interface platform, isnt yet opened for the addon developers out there. EA as mentioned, want to clear out the possiblities of exploits and swipe out the bugs of the game. Although it hasnt mentioned if there is going to be a release of the interface platform yet.

Why I am mentioning this you might wonder?
Have you checked out the Auction House system? :)

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Current credit earning status

Since I promised my self to write something on this blog everyday, I believe I couldn't miss today's post aswell. Finally, got my new graphics's card and I am able to play on my new computer properly. Although the graphics are extremely nice, I still miss the cartoon like environment of WoW.. like I was playing just through a comic book. The spells start and get a meaning into the fight, I still got couple as a bounty hunter that I dont really use yet and I like the fact, that the game forces you to team up at least with one person to do a heroic quest every so and then and gives you a pretty damn good reward to choose from even with the nice stockpile of credits!

Now, I need to confess.. I am feeling lost without the knowledge I had on the previous games I was playing. This thing, upsets me a bit, and when it comes to credits and the usual questions "how that guy earns so many credits?", which this question is going to pop out of your head eventually, you wont have an answer and the feeling of lack of knowledge will flood your thoughts and decimate your wallet! Although, I 've done my research, on various forums and sites and after much reading, data mining and time, that's what I learnt. NOTHING. Why so you are going to ask. Gathering up information is nice, but when you don't apply this to reality how can you say that "this works". The games hasn't been out for a week and there are credit-guides out there selling! Currently, the trade chat at the time being, has no traffic. The Auction House(and in my taste a bit hard to work with), has very few items to work with. The need of the players for materials, is minimal, since everyone wants to level up. None yet has hit the roof to make the question: "And now what?"

Nevertheless, In all the games I 've played, being wealthy, was always giving me a boost. From making my main ultra powerful with slightest effort, to levelling my alts with great gear. That's the way it works in most of the games, even in SWTOR. Despite the fact I am a bit careful on my expenses, today I started testing out crew skills and gathering skills. Killing and looting with my gathering skills, sending my companion(slave to me) to quests for a small fee in return for items and furthermore levelling up one gathering skill I chose. I wont name them out, cause it doesn't really matter at this time of the game. No one knows whats the best or easiest or the most profitable skill in the game. Make sure to have fun and just for the sake of science, go to the Auction House, try to get a bit familiar with it, and why not, post any of the items you are going to vendor(not talking about the gray ones) in some decent prices, just to check out, if the AH is appealing for the people around you. And who knows? You might get lucky and earn some credits early in the game.

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

First impressions

Empire or Republic? Empire or Republic? That question recycled into my mind for several hours before I finally decided. I said to my self, 6 movies now, I am on the side of the good ones.. its time to walk the dark road this time!

Either way, the game is absolutely spectacular. I am having so nice time levelling my bounty hunter(doh this is a credits guide blog, what else? :D), its fun, pretty easy and I need to admit, pretty challenging nevertheless, I had the "luck" dieing several times so far and I need to say, it wasn't always my fault! The first time, it was my choice, I was so curious to see what happened in the "afterlife". 

Need to mention, I am past the point where you choose specialisation and under the chapter "skills picking"(or mostly know professions) and its time to decide what I am going to pick for my self and what for my crew. Pretty fascinating I need to admit, since this is a well built game and its not based on farming so much as the other MMOs, but you have the option to make wonderfull things and get really advanced on this area even with the slightest effort. 

Since you are here for a certain reason(sometimes i really forget that), I need to say, till level 12, I didn't have to focus on credits at all. Loot and quests give you plenty of them and you don't really need to spent not even a dime, except for healing patches during combat or on repairs, although the frequency you change your gear doesn't affect so much the cost of it. Of course loot the corpses, vendor all the gray items(cant be used anywhere), and keep the whites, gear your self up in case you find a green quality and over item and keep enjoying the rest of the game. Although i am sitting at 6-7k credits, I was tempted to buy the extra inventory space. My advise for now is, if you don't need it, don't buy it. I didn't have space issues. There were many vendors around that I could unload my items, and wasn't once without space. You never know when you are going to need the extra funds in this galaxy!