I am happy to announce though, that there are transactions through the Gallactic Trade Market and I am happy that people have the need to buy, although being still new to this game, your are always worried about how much that item you are searching, worths for. Nevertheless, its a good thing that GTM is used from people and I am looking forward into some changes to the utility system of that auction tool.
Lastly, I want to point out, something that I was concerned when I started this blog. A was waiting the game as you guys and I was concerned what class to pick, 10 levels later, what advanced class to follow, what crew skills to pick etc. And I have come to a conclusion. What exactly I earned? Too much frustration with not so much information gains. I find my self googling some questions that pop out in my head about SWTOR and there is absolutely none information around the topic! Then I go my self and test it. And I wonder all these guides out there, what more have offered you? If you picked Slicing before the Nerf, you will be sitting in 5 million now! The point of the sites and blogs about games economy is the stand well on your feet in every season of the game.
Anyway! Have fun and play well till our next post. :)
Anyway! Have fun and play well till our next post. :)
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