Thursday, 2 February 2012

PvP + extra credits

One of the things I really like about his game, is the PvP. Most of the games I 've played in the past, I was fascinated with the economics (crafting & selling/trading) and the PvP. Although there is a belief that PvPers don't need too much currency, I come with the question: How are we going to buy the ultra expensive mounts in game?!
What I really found in my trip to reach valor rank 50, is that if you go to Ilum or any other 50 lvl area, spot a chest(I dont mean slicing chest, regular chests will do), you can loot it every 10 minutes! Yes it respawns every 10 minutes. Now, what are you going to earn from a kind of chest like that? 3k to 4k credits plus a green item which can be vendored for 1k. So you can easily get 5k credits without really do anything. I personally loot these boxes every 15 minutes, since the PvP queue is instant on my server and the games usually last less than 15 minutes with loading. 
But you may tell me, that not every ones PvPs. I personally found this trick during questing, gathering with biochem and killing hard 'solo' bosses. So there is a majority of people that can 'exploit' this trick. The PvP part, just offers a better rotation. In addition to PvP, when I have to afk, I leave my character to the chest location, alt-tab, do the house work, continue my work on my PC, and alt tab again to loot the chest and distribute my crew to crew skills. Nevertheless, its a pure earning procedure. Try it out and you wont be disappointed. 

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